Friday, May 30, 2008

Hey There!

I'm new to this blog site. I kept a blog on for a few months before their website decided to die. After that, I moved to and have been there for three years. Now with unreliable service and fear of having that website quit, I've found this. I hope that it'll be a great place to settle down for a great long time. I like how this has a lot of the features I've been looking for, auto save, html editor, layout- neato format. I'll hopefully be happy here.

So, let me tell you about myself at the moment. Right now I'm currently in a transition point. This is my last week of being a sophomore before Summer vacation starts. I'll be going through a new routine this summer and want to keep track of a lot of my summer goals. I'm a 16 year old girl living in Des Moines, Iowa. I'm a musician, artist, and (obviously) a writer.

You can contact me at to read my profile and get to know me a bit better. I hope me and blogger can be good friends.

My About me:
My name is Jacquelyn. I was born on May 13, 1992 in Des Moines and have lived on the south side here all my life. From birth I was destined to be a railsplitter at Lincoln High.
I have blue green eyes, and natural blonde hair. My height and weight is where it should be and I like it. I feel confident living in my own skin only because I've been doing it for so long. I wouldn't change myself into something I'm not. I'll change over time no matter what. Ever since I was a kid I've had a passion for music. I've played piano since second grade and since then have picked up a few more instruments. I play Tenor Sax, Bassoon, and Misc. Percussion in the school bands, but on the side I play clarinet, harmonica, and it's a goal of mine to some day learn accordian. I write my own piano music. Danny Elfman, is a great composer who influences me and inspires me to become a composer and musician some day as well- if I'm not already.
My idea of a perfect day is a sunny one in may or spring, walking in a park or running around the Ewing Park lilac aboretum. I love being outside and in nature. I like living in the moment and embracing all life has to offer. I'm optimistic, happy, and love people. I prefer love over money, personality over looks, and day over night. My favorite animals are the fox and flamingo, my favorite number is 13, and my favorite drink is Jone's soda.
My goal for this year (and every day) is to grow as a person, enjoy everyday, and not cut my year. I want to go to college to study music, and be an artist- somehow. I try to be an artist constantly and create in everything I do.
I don't smoke and I don't drink. It's against my moral values. I hold onto my beliefs very closely and wouldn't want to change them. I'm a Buddhist and Unitarian Universalist. I don't try to force my views on anyone else, but only those who ask me about them.
I like bubbles, singing in the rain, sidewalk chalk, gardening, sewing, and singing. I shower daily, eat breakfast often, and don't suck completely at life. I can whistle but can't snap my fingers. I'll never eat vegetables, and I prefer boxers to breifs. I'm right handed, I fall asleep easily and early, and my biggest fear is not appreciating life and letting it pass me by. I can't live with out love, music, and my diary. To me, they're all the same. My middle name is Jeanette, I have an older brother Thomas, and my friends call me Jackie, Jack, Jax, J-Man, or The Prez.
I'm for gay marriage, am for the fair tax, try to live "green" and don't have a car or a job. If I could be anywhere right now, I'd be outside on a sunny day in a field of grass just running around.

Live life. Isn't that the point?