Saturday, May 31, 2008

Searching for a Job I don't want

Yesterday I got Three! -count 'em- THREE Oingo Boingo cds and one Modest Mouse cd. Dad paid me back for the money I spent at school last week and gave me fourty instead of the 24. Alright! :D So, I got those four kickass cds for only 20 bucks. Kickass! Cd warehouse- you are my hero... I don't know what I'd do without you.
I mean, on Thursday when I went downtown by myself, I was sure that ZZZ records would have some Oingo Boingo. I even looked in vinyl though I don't personally own a record player. I just had to get my hands on some of that musicy goodness. They had a tab for the band even- nothing next to it.... I felt pretty damn lucky to get me some at the warehouse.
When I was also downtown on Thursday, I got a book I've wanted for a while- DIY: Design it Yourself. Now, I love being a musician, but I also love being an artist. I got some nifty ideas for when I start becoming successful with my music, I'll be able to self promote or other.
Alright- back to what I was saying about yesterday.

Yesterday, Mara called me up from Tanaya's house and my dad picked them up and took us all downtown. I picked up a job application at a flower place. The first app I've ever taken. wow....
I have no idea what the hell it is these flower people do or what they want me to do. Uhh.. So, I got an application. At the bottom is a "Summarize your special skills or qualifications".


What is it these people do? What would they expect or want from me? The whole back page is for places of previous employment. Ugh. I have none.

So- where do I want to work?
No food. That's basically it. Or Hy-Vee. I'd rather not work at the mall either. I just don't want people from school to bother me. I'd rather work Downtown and do something. Otherwise- I don't care what I do. Manual labor? uhh... I don't think I should worry about having to do that.

Dream (probably unrealistic?) jobs
-fashion or clothes
-home goods
-vintage/thrift store

Dad asked if I could give piano lessons. I don't think I could. I'd rather try to play my own music and see where that goes. Maybe I could make a goal out of that. Play a gig tis summer and make a cd. I can work with that. I'll see where that goes.

Tanaya and Mara Downtown