Friday, November 21, 2008

taco Man

On the bus ride home, we stopped and picked up a man from Taco Johns. As I sit next to the window, the aisle seat is open next to me. Taco man sits next to me. He puffy black coat is touching my arm. It's a little un-nerving but I don't want to flinch and upset him. He looks down at the goat sitting in my lap. I keep looking out the window. The strong stench of oily cheap tacos hangs fresh in the air.


Friday, November 7, 2008

Blanket of Love

Yesterday, Mike got off of work early, like at 7:00. Yeah! He usually gets home at 9:00. He said business was slow. He called and asked if I wanted to hang out. We went down to Little Ceaser's and had some crazy bread and sauce. A pin ball machine was in there and you won bouncy balls from it. Mike one another ball, but I didn't do so well. Luckily it's a winner every time!
We sat in his car and were disappointed by the cold dipping sauce. Aww... We then went to Menard's and looked at lamps and wallpaper, and doors. Some other stuff too. And then we went to my house.
I lay in bed with Mike. He lay on his back and I rested my head on his chest.
"I really like this position", he said.
"Me too," I replied. We lay there a little longer.
"You're going to find this the cutest thing ever. Last night when I woke up this morning, I found myself cuddled with a blanket, and I thought it was you. I kissed and said,'I love you,' but then I thought,'this is really soft. Hey... Jackie isn't over here.' So I picked up the blanket and moved it around, but then when I laid back on it, it wasn't as comfortable anymore"
I laughed and told him that yes, that was about the cutest thing ever.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Election Night at Michael's

Michael layed a blanket on the floor and set up pillows in front of the tv as we watched the election. I rested on my side and Mike was propped up on his elbow looking at me.
"Would you marry me?" he asked out of no where. I was confused. I looked off to the side, then I looked back at him. I smiled.
"Yes," I said and looked up to him meeting his eyes.
"I would, it's just-"
"Because I'm 16 and need a parent's consent?" I asked.
"Well, Not only that but I couldn't afford a ring," he answered.
"What made you think about it?"I asked.
"Nothing,"he said. I was suspicious.
"Oddly enough, while I was home sick yesterday I was looking online at rings.."
He raised his eyebrow at me. I shrugged my shoulders.
"You know, the one I liked was only 400 dollars..."I suggested.
"400 dollars! I'm not paying that much for a promise ring" Michael exclaimed.
"I didn't say it was a promise ring," I said and smiled slyly.

"I'm getting way over my head,"he said.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


All yesterday while I was home and sick, I was typing about my weekend. This morning as I opened up my computer to finish editing my sociology paper, my computer restarted and did updates without me asking and I lost EVERYTHING of what I wrote. That- is infuriating. VERY.