Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Throw it at my Face

When I got home, I was hoping on taking a shower, doing laundry, and writing a little blog to you. A blog about how band camp today was fun, I loved painting on the sidewalk, and had a tropical snow at the Lucky Penny and played tetris, but now- I don't feel so much up to that.

Waiting at the bus stop, I saw the bus coming. I leaned down to pick up my sidewalk chalk. That movement might have just saved my life. As I had my head down, a car drove by and threw a beverage at me. I looked up after hearing the splat and looked at a mess of liquid behind me. I stood up alarmed and confused. The bus driver picked me up and asked what that was they threw at me. I had no idea.
My head was down and I didn't see the slightest clue either.

If you're going to throw something at me, let it be your trash, your insults, your garbage, and tomatoes, but please I ask--

throw it at my face.