Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Early Out

Wednesday October 22, 2008

“We can’t have the same thing of the past four years!” Cheering ensues. I munch happily on my leftover lasagna as I watch CNN.
Today after school, I had a pretty lame practice for drum line and pit. Brytaney wasn’t there, and that’s a lot of what concerns me. She’s hardly practiced with us and she’s never played with the drum line alone yet. Ankeney is next Tuesday. Last year, she threw off the whole section and we almost fell apart because she entered five measures too early. Ugh. I’m not particularly looking forward to this. I’m always afraid that she’s going to talk back to our clinician. It’s just part of her personality that she offers up excuses and gets defensive whenever someone asks her a simple question. She went home “sick” today.
It’s 5:00 and in an hour I’ll be needing to clock in at work. Blargh.
Oh! I never told you about my Halloween weekend. I finally got the balls to tell my aunt that I don’t want to go to Minnesota with my female relatives. Yay! I have a weekend back! No work! I have Halloween and All Saints Day and Day of the Dead back! WOOT!!! I’m excited. Mike and I don’t quite have a Halloween party or anything to go to though. Aww… L
Perhaps I will write more when I return from work tonight. Only 3 hours. Sounds good to me! I get my schedule today and have no homework! A relaxing evening sounds great to me. J

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Chair Auditions

Tuesday October 21, 2008

After school, I hopped on a bus downtown and walked to the Des Moines Central Library where I met Mike in the biography section. He sat turned from me with his computer is his lap. I came up behind him and asked what he was doing. Some sort of monopoly game.
“Guess who I’m playing against,” he said.
“Ryan?” I asked.
“No, computer,” and he started laughing for some odd reason. He lost the game and turned off his laptop. “Shall we go?” Michael asked.
We took the elevator to the underground parking lot and went on our way.
Before going to Mike’s house, we stopped at the Gateway Market, bought some pita bread and Jone’s soda so I could take my pill. Sample food was abundant as always. I tried some very strong apple cider and some really good cranberry walnut bread. Interesting…
Mike and I hung out in his office before his dad got home. Mike was then summoned to help unload and assemble a gas fireplace for the yard. When it was done, I went outside with Michael and roasted a marshmallow. I’ve decided that I don’t like the taste of burnt marshmallow quite so much. No- not really at all. It caught on fire and turned black. Ick. The fire place came with a poker, even though it has fake wood in place. I have no idea what the hell that’s for. We stuck our marshmallows on it. Mike’s mom pulled up, and was so pleased with her fireplace purchase. Mike took a picture of me and his mom through the other side or the fireplace, and a couple other dorky pictures.
My lord do I love that boy. So much. More than anyone- or for that matter- I will ever know.
Mikis had a couple free buffet and drink certificates to Cici’s pizza where we ate on the south side of town. After dinner, we went inside goodwill to kill some time. Mike bought a movie I can’t remember, and the vhs tape of the floods of ‘93 as documented by Channel 13. Classic. It’s probably worth a fortune some day.
Speaking of fortunes, Mike is investing in stocks of his mom’s company she works for. The stock is at 70 cents now, and twenty years ago was at 80 dollars. Mike said that the stocks just need to go up a 1.20 or so for him to break even. Nuts. I thought about it, and I don’t think that I’d want to go in with Mike on this because I’m afraid of being committed to a long term investment with someone else while not being in a long term relationship. You know how it is.
Michael took me to Lincoln High school and sat in his car for what was an estimated few minutes as I took my audition. What was only supposed to be 15 minutes took a half an hour. Michael was upset and came inside. He wasn’t angry at me- he couldn’t be, but was instead upset with the band directors. I was the last person of the whole day to audition when I’m the only person in my section. It’s pretty infuriating that being a guaranteed first chair, I have to audition at a very inconvenient time late at night. Oh- I also found out that tomorrow Pit and Drumline are supposed to be practicing after school, but Matt Hoskins the drum line instructor can’t show up- because he has classes. I don’t know how long that’s supposed to take. I asked a drummer how long they knew about this meeting. He said about thirty minutes. The Ankeny drum line clinic is next Tuesday. I am NOT looking forward to it. At All.

Monday, October 20, 2008

A Path in Planning

Monday October 20, 2008

Last week was conferences. During the long weekend, I did some investigating. I had already been planning on career and college research and the college planning seminar during advisory on Tuesday pushed me even a little bit more. On Wednesday after the early out I hung out with Mike. On my return home, I got on my laptop, and browsed around on the “Choices Planner” thingy I’ve used since middle school. After some quite convenient research provided, I drew to conclusion that maybe music isn’t the best field for me. I think that I could easily excel in the graphic arts and design industry. I looked through the colleges in Des Moines that offer that field, and found that DMACC at Ankeny has a graphic design program.
DMACC? I never thought I’d ever want to go there, but then I got more warmed up to the idea. Cheap tuition. Great location. A bus goes to it. Two years. All transferable credits. No foreign language requirements. Minimal Core Class requirements. Did I say that it was cheap?
Graphic designers make more money than a career in music, with added job security as well. The field is always growing and it’s easy to find a graphic design job in any location in the event that I’d ever like to move from Des Moines to elsewhere.
Anywho. So, also over the weekend I looked into- you’ll never guess- a car. Yeah… I know. Sucks huh? I’d only probably drive a car a few times a week and then in the winter. I’m still hoping on getting a little scooter thing for the summer and riding the bus. I’m hoping on buying a Volkswagen Beatle. Old School. Yeah..
I looked into houses online. Wow- prices are so low for them. I hope that they’re still really affordable in the next two years after I graduate high school. Better yet, the next four years when I graduate college. *sigh* yeah. That’d be sweet. Living in an apartment downtown. I feel so non apart of my house that it’s like a dorm or boarding house some times. A studio or one room apartment would be a big change to where I’m at right now, but at the same time it wouldn’t be. It’d be great to have that kind of independence and a better living environment. To feel safe and in a supportive non-violent or conflicting house. Yet, I’m used to living in a small space and arranging and working with furniture and color to maximize it’s full potential. I’m so excited to live in the smallest apartment or house life can throw at me- just so I can experiment with working a small space.
Looking into the future like this, gives me a lot more motivation I never felt like I had before. I cleaned my room and organized so that I can see the DMACC poster on my wall. I have a list of goals on my closet door next to a romantic and beautiful sketch I did of “where I see myself in 10 years”. I cleaned my desk and added a lamp and guess what- I did my homework!! Math at that! It was so easy. I can’t remember the last time I did homework. Probably not since a year. No kidding. I just never do homework outside of school. It was so quick and easy- I think I’ll do it more often. That was so sweet! I practiced my bassoon and cleaned it. Now, I’m typing! Blogging! The 7th thing listed on my Goals sheet.
Number 8 on my list of goals: Be Happy.
(I think I’m there.)

Saturday, October 18, 2008



So yesterday while my dad was paying his bill at Sears, I sat in the car and listened to 105.1 Channel Q. I heard a song I really liked and wrote down the lyrics on a sticky note. I went home downloaded it, and listened to it ALL night long and fell asleep to it.
"Handlebars" by Flobots.
This morning after waking up to this song, and taking a shower, I go on myspace and look up this band so I can add them.

On their page, it says that last night at the people's court, They played.


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A thought from Kavya

A thought from Kavya

I know I haven't blogged in a while, but here's something for you:

"so, here's my revelation. c, a guy friend asked wat girls look 4 in a guy, and i've been thinkin bout it, and i figured it out. c, when a girl likes a guy she makes up fantasies bout him, so when the guy asks her out she no's he's "the one" if he can replicate or improve them. but obviously, it's a fantasy, so she can make it w/e she wants, so obviously the dream guy is absolutely nothing like the actual guy, so he can never duplicate the fantasy. that means the only option is to improve it. so a girl wants a guy who is better than she dreamed!"

I totally understand this and feel the exact way. Michael is better than I could ever have imagined. :* love yah sweetie