Monday, October 20, 2008

A Path in Planning

Monday October 20, 2008

Last week was conferences. During the long weekend, I did some investigating. I had already been planning on career and college research and the college planning seminar during advisory on Tuesday pushed me even a little bit more. On Wednesday after the early out I hung out with Mike. On my return home, I got on my laptop, and browsed around on the “Choices Planner” thingy I’ve used since middle school. After some quite convenient research provided, I drew to conclusion that maybe music isn’t the best field for me. I think that I could easily excel in the graphic arts and design industry. I looked through the colleges in Des Moines that offer that field, and found that DMACC at Ankeny has a graphic design program.
DMACC? I never thought I’d ever want to go there, but then I got more warmed up to the idea. Cheap tuition. Great location. A bus goes to it. Two years. All transferable credits. No foreign language requirements. Minimal Core Class requirements. Did I say that it was cheap?
Graphic designers make more money than a career in music, with added job security as well. The field is always growing and it’s easy to find a graphic design job in any location in the event that I’d ever like to move from Des Moines to elsewhere.
Anywho. So, also over the weekend I looked into- you’ll never guess- a car. Yeah… I know. Sucks huh? I’d only probably drive a car a few times a week and then in the winter. I’m still hoping on getting a little scooter thing for the summer and riding the bus. I’m hoping on buying a Volkswagen Beatle. Old School. Yeah..
I looked into houses online. Wow- prices are so low for them. I hope that they’re still really affordable in the next two years after I graduate high school. Better yet, the next four years when I graduate college. *sigh* yeah. That’d be sweet. Living in an apartment downtown. I feel so non apart of my house that it’s like a dorm or boarding house some times. A studio or one room apartment would be a big change to where I’m at right now, but at the same time it wouldn’t be. It’d be great to have that kind of independence and a better living environment. To feel safe and in a supportive non-violent or conflicting house. Yet, I’m used to living in a small space and arranging and working with furniture and color to maximize it’s full potential. I’m so excited to live in the smallest apartment or house life can throw at me- just so I can experiment with working a small space.
Looking into the future like this, gives me a lot more motivation I never felt like I had before. I cleaned my room and organized so that I can see the DMACC poster on my wall. I have a list of goals on my closet door next to a romantic and beautiful sketch I did of “where I see myself in 10 years”. I cleaned my desk and added a lamp and guess what- I did my homework!! Math at that! It was so easy. I can’t remember the last time I did homework. Probably not since a year. No kidding. I just never do homework outside of school. It was so quick and easy- I think I’ll do it more often. That was so sweet! I practiced my bassoon and cleaned it. Now, I’m typing! Blogging! The 7th thing listed on my Goals sheet.
Number 8 on my list of goals: Be Happy.
(I think I’m there.)