Thursday, July 17, 2008

how do you think you look?

The question was raised by a friend,"How do you think you look?" I think it's a good question that one should periodically ask themselves. I suggest that you do as well my fair reader. There are other questions people should ask themselves. The kind of things that people should answer, that aren't going to be on surveys.
1. What are my religious beliefs?
2. What are my morals?
3. In the past few months, have I changed? If so, for better?
4. What can I do to make things better?
5. Am I happy?

But I'm not quite here to answer those other questions at the moment.
First to assess whether or not I like myself, I should give myself an accurate discription of how I look.

I'm 5ft 8. Reasonable height for my age and genes.
I'm about 125 pounds. Exactly where my body mass index places me. Not a pound more or less.
I have blonde hair, pale skin, and blue green eyes. I may not have boobs like barbie, but in other senses, I look like one perhaps. My skin doesn't break out terribly. I only get a zit once in a while around 'once a month' so, I do pretty good. Now, I'm keeping my dandruff under control with my new shampoo. I'm happy with how my hair is working out for me.
My teeth. I have a retainer and keep my teeth reasonably clean, though I should go to the dentist and get the weird vain on my lower tooth figured out. No one really sees those teeth anyways. Maybe I should floss...
Based on what society tells me to think, I'm pretty good looking- or close to perfect. I know that I'm not.

As a kid in elementary school and middle school, I was picked on. I was pretty confident in myself but I got picked on a lot by a few select popular individuals who aimed to make my life hell. I didn't understand why boys liked them more than me. I thought it was because how I looked. When home alone, I would go into my mom's bathroom and look in the mirror for a while and ask myself, why not me? Long hair. Tall skinny. blue eyes. I came to the same conclusion that it wasn't my appearance.
It wasn't until I changed my appearance into short blue hair, put on a little weight, and dressed the way I wanted to, that under those conditions where appearance didn't matter, I changed my personality. I aimed to be a better person, and do the right thing, be friendly, good and such. I know I probably wasn't like that all the time, but now- I like to think I am.

At this moment. This present time. As I sit and type- I like myself.
I like my blonde hair and height and weight and even- yes- my smile. I like my laugh. I know that when I laugh- it makes other people happy too. I like my clothes that don't fit just right because of my size, and I like who I am. The real me. My personality.

Maybe if you don't like your looks, you shouldn't change them. You should change your point of view on how you look. Your hair color size and shape might not change- but you can. the real you. Your personality and mind.