Saturday, June 28, 2008

And on the Fourth Day....

Yesterday at work was fun.
It was a two day coupon sale majig. It didn't go too bad or busy. I'll see the figures this morning and see how well our department went.
It was my fourth day. My number works in the system so I can get my commission and I got a permanent name tag.
Cons: I shorted a man a twenty dollar bill. Whoops... He'll come in today to get it back. My bad. He wasn't angry or anything though, which was good. It was weird because David watched me count and everything, but Dave looked through our receipts later and worked it out. I had given the guy the wrong change.

A woman was looking for a pair of black dress shoes. It was hard finding anything in her size that wasn't 60 dollars. She said she was only going to wear them once. She had a weird uptight sorta English or Austrian accent. I found it amusing... I decided not to ask about her tone of voice. I asked what the occasion was. She said that tonight she was going to the Des Moines Opera. I then noticed the opera ball cap she was wearing. She must be a member. I asked her which one and she said Les Miserabe. She asked if I had heard of it. I told her that we were going to almost do it for our marching band show. She told me that since I hadn't ever seen an opera before, I should. I found some plain black flats for 14 dollars. I also found a pleasant customer.

oh! And while talking to a customer who was checking out, I asked if she would believe it was my fourth day. She leaned over to look at my name tag. "You're not doing too bad Jackie. Oh! you spell your name the same way I do."
"How do you spell your Jacquelyn?" I asked suspiciously.
"With and -lyn", she replied.
"J-a-c-q-u-e-l-y-n?" I asked. She pointed to the credit card in my hand. It was the same. "WOW! That's how I spell mine too!"
"I know! Some people like to spell it -line."
"Yeah! but that's Jacque-LINE. That doesn't make any sense at all!" I said. We laughed and when I brought her shoes around the counter for her, I shook her hand and said,"I thought I was the last of my kind!"
That was fun... :)

While straightening shoes, a woman came up to me and asked,"Is there a second floor?"
I said 'no'.
"Is there a first floor?" she asked. What? no! this is a spare 13th.
"You're new aren't you?"I asked.
"So this is it?" she asked.
"yeah. It is."

Thursday, June 26, 2008


My computer. It's not working. Though living in a dog igloo is nice and I'd like a new silver slinky, I'm going to decide in saving up my money to get a new computer. There's a place on the east side of des Moines where prison inmates build new computers and sell them really cheap. no kidding. So, I think that's my best bet until I can get a brand new one. I'd personally like a laptop, but thomas says I'd do better with a desktop. I really like the idea of me being able to take a laptop places to use it on wifi. Looking at my work schedule- I don't know when I'll be able to get much of any time to go anywhere.
I worked with Kaitlyn today, Mike's ex-girlfriend, and it worked out really well.
"I fell like I should be telling you a lot of stuff..."she said. I froze in horror. She knows I'm dating him? AHH! but then she asked,"What has David been telling you to do around here?" PHEW! Good stuff...
Mike sent me home with some bread to take and eat at work. He's such a sweetie... :) I had cajun foccasia today, and it was amazing. Jill and another woman asked me what it was. I told them that I had made it with my boyfriend. Jill asked how old he was and a bit about his baking skills. I didn't want to say too much for fear that these two gossiping ladies would spread word until it got to Kaitlyn. It was great working with Kaitlyn today. She totally helped me a lot. :)
When I was finding shoes for an older woman to wear, I was by myself, and had no other customers. I was in my element. I did amazing. I found the shoes in the back room like it was nothing. She said she would be back tomorrow to use the Friday only coupon. She complimented me on how well I did and how I was calm and didn't pressure her. I told someone today,"I'd rather find the shoe that fits best for you."
My mom had shoes that she never wore or found uncomfortable over a period of time. I didn't want these people to have shoes that they'll never use. When they use the shoes that work great, I think they'll be more likely to buy more.
The older woman asked for my name and said she'd look for me specifically tomorrow.

Tomorrow. Friday. Two day sale event. It looks quite forbodeing. Luckily- I don't have to go in until 9. Not 8 or 7:45. Success. :)

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Oh so stylin'

SO- I get comments on my dress style and such and have inspired millions(maybe not quite so much but yeah...). I have found this fun website I've been addicted to for awhile. I have rated clothes items and added a whole bunch of little things to my "style feed". If you check it out it'll make more since.
See all the stuff i rate as awesome, and what things I really love. You find out about brands, styles, and almost everything on there has a link to where you can buy it.


Why not check it out?

Friday, June 20, 2008

Tuxedo shirt

Today I got up this morning after being awaken by someone calling for my dad. I answered the phone and gave it to him. I was supposed to call Mike when I woke up, so I went back into his room to retrieve my phone. Dad then stopped to ask about how my computer training had gone at work. I gave him a copy of my dress code and how hard it was to find anything in my closet to wear.
After calling Mike and getting dressed, I went to the mall with my dad. We bought some clothes at Target and Fashion Bug. I ran into Katie Conway at Target and she was a sweetie cucumber and helped me out lots. :D
I went to Cici's Pizza with my dad for lunch, then to GoodWill to buy some skirts for work. Also while there, Dad found the most sweetest awesomest Jacket. I am so happy. :D

Today I didn't do that much besides that. Was on the computer a lot. Watched some tv. You know. Stuff.
Around 9:00 is when Mike gets off work and i talk to him. Michael was saying how he'd like me there while he was baking at the moment and how things are much more fun while I'm there. Then he said something incredibly sweet...:

and i can wink at you in real life instead of that popeye simpson looking motherfucker
lol, i like to too, almost as much my love to kiss you
and the best part is, i'm not kidding
it's all true baby!
lol, the things you do to me......
and apparantly the things i do to you
what do you think you do to me dear?
how else would i have inspiration to say such words?
how else could one know love unless the gaze upon their loves face as i have?
my heart heightens to new levels of excitement, my pulse quickens by your touch, my lips tingles looking to be pressed against yours
my hair stands up as you appoarch, my breath gets heavier when i think about you "jackie, jackie"
these things and a thousand more, but how can one describe the affects of love on a simple messager. science still can't make sense of it

Thursday, June 19, 2008

He heh... doody...

When I was walking down the street to work, I saw a dog wandering around. It was a brown and white beagle. It looked shaky and really slow. It was in front of a house for sale. He had a green lawn tether around his neck that must have gotten ripped off seeing it not tied down to anything. This poky dog walked up the steps of the house, and took a crap on the porch.

I laughed SOOO hard. :D

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I went in today at Younkers for job training orientation thing. I didn't have to watch and company videos. It was just me and sweet sweet Dianne talking over the handbook thingy since I've never had a job before. I got a tour and found out that I was going to be working in shoes. I'll get commission which is okay I guess. I learned about a credit card boot camp if I don't meet my goal of signing someone up for a card in a week, and if I do sell a card, I get to go to a "breakfast of champions". Fun stuff.
I signed up to volunteer at the art fair on next Sunday too.
When I got home I ate a sammich and turned on my computer to talk to Mike. He wasn't on so I went to go watch "a haunting" on Discovery. Man- I love that show... Anywho-
So when Michael got online I told him I'd be working in shoes.
"p.s. say hi to my ex for me sometime. (she also works at younkers in the shoes department)" Mike typed.
I look down at my work schedule for next week. Fuuuuuck. I work with her on Wednesday and Thursday. :) Fun stuff. Maybe we'll be friends. lol.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Jordan Creek Mall. Bleh.

AHHHH! i hate jordan fucking creek mall...
I just feel uncomfortable going there. Everyone who works at the stores just avoid me, everything is so corporate it makes me want to puke, the people are dressed to kill, kIOskS are EVERYWHERE and so are purses! God do I hate purses! AHHH!
I didn't even go to good will either. my dad went to the fossil store with me, and he got into a temper tantrum. He walks over to the men's wallets and is all like showing me the features of this damn thing. I think it's cool, but I try to stick it into my pants and I say that it doesn't fit. "But yeah! You need one!" "I'm not debating whether or not I need a wallet, I'm saying it doesn't fucking fit into my pants!" he kept on going on. I walked over to the girly wallets and put on in my pocket saying,"That's all I was saying" "But it's not as functional as the other one. the other one had a currency seperator for foreign money and u.s."
and so I say,"How fucking functional is a damn wallet that won't fit in your damn pants!"

Saturday, June 14, 2008

I got a job!

AHHHH!!!! :D I got a job at Younkers! SUCCESS!!!
I Start job training on Tuesday at 10:30!!!!!
I get paid for training AND for filling out the damn paperwork I did today.

WOOOO HOOOO!!!! *pelvic thrust* ugh!

Friday, June 13, 2008

7 under par

June 13th. A great and lucky day. Gas is thirteen cents off, chocolate milk is cheaper than white, I had a fortune cookie, and a Jones. The fortune cookie said,"Your personality is fuled by the fascination you feel for life". I think that describes me pretty well. The Jones cap told me"Your job needs more concentration. Success will be achieved". Job? I don't have a job quite yet.. but- tomorrow... success? Sweet! Who cares?! Success is all I need to hear.
After having a ham and turkey sandwich with my dad, we went to the mini golf around the corner on the block. Shyea! I made seven under par, and my dad got four over. I got a hole in one on the 8th hole. :) BAM!
It's my uncle Kevin's birthday, I am now 16 years old and a month, and Mike and I have been dating for two months. Yeah- I know. Seems longer doesn't it?
And it isn't even 2:00 yet. This day is looking good.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

swinging in the park

Today- I did more painting. Yep. I watched the news, and painted.
I baked these cream cheese and bread roll up thingies. They're pretty cool. I found them in a kids snack book called "snails". cute.
Tyler called me while I was painting. The first thing I asked was,"How the hell did you get my number?!" I head laughter in the background.
"I'm calling on Addison's cellphone,"he said. Oh. They invited me to hang out with them in the park by the blank park zoo. I got dressed and filled my water bottle with kool-aid and biked down there. It was a great day out. Around 4:00, sky turning brighter, a rich blue sky. We were on the swing sets for a bit, then sat on the jungle gym for a while talking about our summers. Addison was applying everywhere for a job and had no luck what-so-ever. Addison got a call from his mom to head home, and I took my leave. I biked home. It's a pretty nice ride to and from the park. Everything is level and just an easy going ride. I liked it a lot. :)

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Yesterday, was a full day. I enjoyed it VERY much. :)
I went biking real quick, did a spray paint touch up on the house, took a shower, my dad gave me 20 dollars for the chore, and then Mike picked me up. I took my new cash and went and HAD to spend it at Target. I got three pairs of Jelly Shoes, a swim suit top (converse brand green bakini for five dollARs!!), sunglasses, and a tube of plastic farm animals. I collect small plastic animals.... Yeah. I do. What about it?
I had brought my canvas to Mike's house along with my traveling paint suitcase. It was pretty nifty. We were in the basement. Me painting- him trying to read or type and me continuously distracting him. Great 'eh? Yeah... Not for him I bet. Mike's brother, his girlfriend, and Mike's parents were all upstairs talking. I felt a little left out and I was already listening to them, so I took my stuff upstairs with Mike and joined the party while continuing to paint.
Mike, his mom, and I were watching the news after Hannah and Dustin left. Saylorville lake was being emptied a bit and downtown Des Moines bridges were supposed to be closed because of flooding. Great opportunity. I called my dad on Mike's cellphone, and asked if I could spend the night. I just wanted an excuse. He thought I was in trouble and that I didn't want to stay.
"Do you have anything over there?"Dad asked. What a stupid question.
"No DAD! It's not like I packed my bag because I was planning on spending the night and getting stuck. It's okay Dad- really."
I was sleepy pretty quickly. Mike and I fell asleep on the couch together. MAN was that uncomfortable, but oh- so sweet. First time I've spent the night at a boy's house. With him. like- sleeping. It's alright I suppose. I mean, his parents were in the next room, we were on the couch, and we weren't sharing a blanket or anything. I woke up pretty regularly a few times in the night. maybe every hour and a half. Every time I was awake, so was Mike, so I have reason to believe that he woke me up. In the night, I'd look up at him and kiss his forehead, or nuzzle against him. It was pretty sweet. ooooh yeah. :)
He was happy because usually when we hang out, I fall asleep, and then we have to wake up at the awkward hour of one at night and he has to take me home totally out of it and tired. It's probably safer. I hope I'll be able to do that more often. sure as hell is convenient.

Jeanette Kay

Today, 46 years ago, my mother was born at St. Joseph's hospital in Mason City. Seven pounds and Four oz. Jeanette Kay.
My mom was 30 years when I was born. Well, 29, but see, when I was one, she was 31. It was always easy to know how old my mom was. My dad- I have no idea how old he is. It's harder to tell. I think I was 8 when he turned fourty. I can't do math very well, so I'm not going to attempt to at the moment.
My mom was 42 when she died in 2005 of Thymomma Cancer. I would have been 12.
I miss her dearly, and even now, she is very close to me, I think- more than anyone else. I still frequently learn something new about her everyday, or hear a new song I think she'd like. Or I'll hear a song from one of my Oingo Boingo cds, and somewhere in the back of mind, I remember these lyrics. It's like she listened to them at one time.

She liked the City of Angel's soundtrack, and the Batman Forever soundtrack too. She loved musicals. In the basement I found a record of "The Wiz". She used to tell me about the Phantom of the Opera and how beautiful it was.
She liked lilacs, lillies, and irises. In our backyard she'd garden all the time.
Other times I remember her watching VH1 while vacuuming and cleaning. I was sitting on the couch once and watched a documentary about Meatloaf.
My mom didn't like me watching the movie "Alice in Wonderland" because Lewis Carrol "liked little children too much".
My mom loved art. She wanted to be an artist. One time she was looking through a box of her college stuff and came across her sketchbook she had at the time. There was a picture in there that was her favorite. It was of a foot. "Go on! Guess who's foot that is! Don't you know?"she asked excitedly. I didn't know. I shrugged. "It's MINE!"she said and hopped up on on foot and held her foot next to the sketch. "Mine!!" she said again.
We had gone to the Chicago Museum of Art when I was 6- our only family vacation. My mom was missing a week of jury duty. She had been searching through tons and tons of prints in the gift shop. I remember her looking through every one. She had bought a copy of a Monet painting with a bunch of people sitting beside a lake under the shade of trees. It currently hangs above my bed. I also remember her saying how much her favorite painting was Dali's "Persistence of Memory".
My mom liked quiz and game shows. While doing chores she's watch this music game show on VH1. She was awful at it from what I saw, but whenever she got something right, she was so happy. We had a computer came called,"You don't know Jack". At night we'd sit together and watch Wheel of Fortune while eating frozen pizza. I'd say about three times a week we'd have frozen pizza. The three of us couldn't get enough of it.
My mom, my brother, and I. The three of us. They were my family for the longest time.

I used to not want to be a mother. Giving birth had always scared the bejesus out of me. I have never been around a baby for more than five minutes. I've never baby sat. I have no clue about kids. Recently though, I think about my mom and how much she meant to me. Now, I'm very certain that some day, I want to be a mother. Some day.
I miss my mother very much.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Art endeavors

I got a canvas at Wal-Mart for only 6 dollars! :D Sweet 'eh? I was supposed to hang out with Mike but he decided he wanted to just sit around and do nothing without me there. That's cool. He needs some time by himself when he's not working.
I cut out my art punk logo finally! I've had the stencil sheet for a while, and just recently traced the image on the sheet. The one thing I didn't have until yesterday was an exacto knife. For my art projects I had been using a razor blade. It's not sharp and hurts like a bitch to press down on, which isn't very safe. Cutting out the stencil was intense! It was fun though. After I finished, I sprayed it on a cardboard box and tested it out. It looks great. It'll be easier doing art punk t-shirts next year this way, and we'll be able to use the shirts to customize it even further with names on the back and any embellishment anyone else wants to do. That'll be a fun project we can all do together.
I was thinking about the art club and how I really want to make it mine next year. I don't know anything about the art teacher next year. I don't want them to feel like the automatically have to do it and get involved. It'll need a lot of dedication and organization from me- which is exactly the kind of qualities I want to develop. I think that the money I get from my job I'll split three ways. Or four. Yeah...
1. art club
This will not only be for the club but my own art endeavors and projects. Sewing and
photography is included. Paint/canvas/stencil supplies/fabric. You know.
2. music
New cds, instruments, and lessons. Oh! and music. Anything I might want for pit next year.
3. future savings
*sigh* I might need a car SOME day. And move out. And go to school. yeah. Stuff like that.
4. Other stuff/misc.
going to java joe's for a drink after school, clothes, music shows, anything else like that. rubber chickens. hats. You know.


I prepped my canvas with some spray paint. i went to Wal-mart with my brother Thomas and got some blue and pink paint- two colors I sorta kind of need and never got around to purchasing. I just don't have yellow and orange now. great! :D I found a random wooden board in the basement that was here when we moved in. I painted on it and it looks pretty bad ass.

yep yep.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Thank you Magic Toenail

I love this. The Brak Show. :)

Sunday, June 8, 2008





I don't think it was a fight. Not from my point of view anyways.It was just an irritated discussion that neither of us really cared who 'won'. On the internet is so hard to determine someone's tone of voice. Well- I don't think he was upset- but I was.
I was just talking to Michael and BAM! out of no where, he tells me I should paint. I mean, you can't be serious. I don't understand.
Well, he says that I've been bored and that I should paint something. But.... uhh... okay?
I told him I only had mini canvases and I couldn't paint until I had something bigger.
"Go out and buy a bigger canvas then".
"Honey, they're expensive! and then you have to tie in the cost of more paint"
"How much is an average size canvas? 10 dollars?" he asks.
"Around 20 to 50." there's no real "average" size for canvas looking at the gigantic ones in museums like Monet's pointalist ones.
"If you painted you'd get better. It's more for the sake of painting then producing one,"Mike said.
I was getting a little upset. I don't care about getting better. He was starting to irritate me.
"You know what, you're absolutely right,"I wrote."Its 12:00, and I think I'm going to paint. yeah."
"You're silly..."Mike wrote.
"Silly?" I asked. "I am quite serious. I'm going to paint- right now."
He thought I was upset and being sarcastic. Really- I was upset and serious. I left the computer to get my paint bag with my brushes and such.
"You seem to know a lot about what you're talking about huh?" I asked.
"I know how artists work,"Mike told me.

He knows how artists work. Huh. Because I guess that me- an artist, wouldn't have any idea of how to work. I get it. Mike knows everything.

He went to sleep shortly after our discussion after a simple,"nm". Yeah. We exchanged our "Love you"s and I told him goodnight. I felt a little bad for getting upset, but I didn't think it was his place to suggest that I paint. I had been photo editing and blogging all day on here.

Two hours later- I'd have this.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

bike ride

Well, since in my just last post I did this morning, I took a bike ride because I was feeling unhealthy. I totally feel like it was worth it. It wasn't as tiring as the last ride I took a month ago. Hopefully I'll be able to make a routine out of this because I LOVE it. :)
I took some pictures, and I want a girly friend of mine to come with sometime so I can take portraits or something. It's not always so visually appealing to have tons of pictures of trees. I'd like to make up one of my friends and treat them like a model. It'd be fun. I found some really cool spots for that and took pics.
I saw a deer not long after getting on the trail. I tried to take a picture but all you see is it's brownness behind the trees. My bike makes a clicking of the chains when I walk it slowly. I rode through a bit of mud and it got all on my legs. I got through a really thin trail with tons of overhanging flora and I think I might get poison ivy. Is there something I can do to like... prevent it? I mean, other than wearing long pants. I hope a shower gets it off of me. I think that might do something. Who knows. I don't think I saw any poison ivy, but I'm starting to feel an itch. eww...
I feel icky. I'm going to shower now. laterz.

I feel it already

Summer. It's feeling like summer. Some parts I like- others are starting to scare me.
My brother, Dad, and I are doing pretty well right now and getting along. Dad has been going to work early so, I don't see him that much. Damn! I just remembered that my dad has the American Legion lunch thingy to prepare today. Justin's party is at 12:00.... Meh. He'll get me there eventually.
Now where was I?
Alright! Yesterday and the day before, I think I ate like, double my weight out of boredom. I also slept like- 12 hours last night. Not good. The reason why I went to sleep so early was that my fingers and eyelids were a little shaky. I think it's my anemia adjusting to how much I ate. Yeah. I need to go biking SOON. I really want to, but yesterday was all windy and I didn't know if there was going to be another tornado warning spazticly.
So- too much sleep and too much food. Bad.
Good things?
Well, I can go to concerts during the week(if I have money), I can stay up late the days before Mike doesn't have work the next morning. Even if he does, I can hang out with him 'til 12:00. That's cool. OH! and like- one of my favorite show, "A Haunting" comes on the discovery channel usually when I'm coming home from school, so I always miss it. I can also watch Ellen, but that's all reruns from what I see. damn. Another thing! I can go to matine(however you spell it) shows at the movies. I can also go to the mall and grocery store when there is NO ONE there. Oh! I can also actually go to thrift stores on the week days and Hobby Lobby! :D that'd be sweet.... And I can go downtown whenever I like.
Whenever I'm bored I just got realize what is really out there for me to do. I don't have to stay home staring at my computer for Mike to talk to me or to get a new message on my space. Maybe this summer will work out alright anywho..

Friday, June 6, 2008



Last night Breann and her friends picked me up to go to the show. We dropped Elizabeth off at work and went to the house of bricks. Nick Allen was always talking about Ska Band Go! to Bre` and saying that she had to see them. I didn't like them at all. For a ska band- they pretty much sucked.
Look out Loretta was next and they were pretty dull as well. I was tired of standing around. We all went to the back and sat down. Breann's knees were bothering her and if she didn't like the next band, she wanted to leave. Vandon Arms convinced her to stay since she's you know- hardcore Irish and such.
When Deal's Gone Bad started playing, she got the feeling to go up and dance. We weaved through the crowd to the front and had a hell of a time skanking and jiving. After a couple songs, someone was leaning their elbow on my shoulder. I looked up-
MIIIIKE!!!! I gave him a big hug and kiss and was sooo happy to see him! He was supposed to be at work. Business was slow he said so they let him off early. He came by to see little ol' me! AHHH!! He's such a sweetheart. I really wanted him to go to it since I first saw him when we both went to the last Deals Gone Bad show. We danced through the rest of the show. When it was over, I got my cds from the Vandon Arms guys and a Deals Gone Bad Cd.
Mike and I drove over towards Java Joe's where I got a lemonade (they were out of Jones!) and he checked the time. We walked through the streets a bit before finding our way to the 7th and Grand parking garage. We leaned against the wall and looked up at the windows of the hotel across the street. Mike gave me a foot massage and we laid down together for a bit. I got creeped out by seeing something move in the door of some sort of a building on the ramp. it creeped my the fuck out and so we left.
We went back to his car and cuddled for only a second. while laying together, the tornado sirens were going off. it was pretty creepy. It was a good time to get me home. I was pretty paranoid and looking out the window. Mike tried to calm me down but I was pretty much flipping out. When we got to my house, I asked if he wanted to come inside- but everything was so still. I kissed Mike goodnight and grabbed my purse leaving my cds in his car. I went to bed after watching a bit of the weather. Mike called me when he got home and woke me up. I was sooo confused when I picked up the phone. I was like,"what the hell- is going on..."
I went back to sleep and was woken up by my dad pounding on my door several times this morning trying to get me to do laundry. I got up eventually.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Bitchin' in the Kitchen

Yesterday, I brought my sack of bubbles and accessories to school along with my Groucho Marx glasses. Before my final, I sat in the hallway next to a girl in my math class that I don't know the name of. A dean of student lady person walked up the stairs and as she passed by- pointed at her head. Oh right- I had my rabbit hat on. But apparently it doesn't matter if I blow bubbles as I had a bubble pipe in my hand ready to blow as she made eye contact with me. Alrighty. Note to self....

I cleaned out my locker pretty much, then took the bus 23 home. I called Mike and asked my dad to take me to the library. I was meeting Mike there and going to drop off my application around the corner at the flower shop, but it was closed "At meeting- be back soon." I waited for about 30 minutes I think with Mike. A field trip of preschoolers from the science center walked by. One named Devin was being yelled at for dropping his water bottle constantly. The class was threatened with them being taken away. Cute. :)
Mike and I went to Wal-Mart by where he lives and picked up some stuff for our pizza. We sided on pepperoni, baby swiss, mozzarella, and meatballs. Mike was strongly opposed to bacon bits. I don't know what the hell his problem is. lol.
At his house, we started putting stuff together. Mike pulled out the baggies of dough he had made the night before. They were mushy and too soft.
"What's in this?" I asked Mike.
"Flour and water. You know- dough."
"Uhh... Mike. That's not how you make dough"
"Sure it is! That's all that's in it. I didn't have a recipe but I worked it out,"Michael said.
"Honey- that's paper mache. That's not how you make dough...."I tried to reason with him.
"You know what- I'll call my mom right now!" he said trying to prove his point. He pulls out his cellphone right there and dials his mother. She informs him that there must be something he's missing and to consult the Betty Crocker Cookbook.
"AHA!" I exclaimed triumphantly.
"Betty Crocker- there is no Betty Crocker Cookbook...." Mike says to his mom.
I reach in the cupboard and pull out the familiar "Better Homes and Gardens" red plaid binder. "It's right here honey." It's not until then that I notice, no where it says Betty's name on it. Why do we all refer to it that way? Mike asks me this question.
I spill out all of the information I know about Mrs. Crocker and how you modernized cooking today. Thank goodness I watch the History Channel...
"She was a test kitchen Nazi from what I understand,"I tell him.
I made the dough over and it was the first time I needed to knead something. It was really fun. :D

Somewhere in our cooking as we let the dough to rest for 10 minutes, we got caught up in the couch and each other. Mike is terribly sweet and cuddly. This was one of these days where he was most like this. He is such a wonderfully adorable and amazing boy. :)
We finished pizza making and Mike's brother Dustin came by. While the pizza was in the oven, Dustin played the piano and sang. It made me laugh a lot. We ate our pizza together on the couch, and it turned out really well. I loved it. :D We still have another batch of dough and sauce. It'll be some fun good times then too.
This weekend Mike and I are going to bake some cream cheese cookies from a recipe we found in the book. It sounds really good. Well, Mike had to take me home early so him and Dustin could play bridge with a group of really old people. It was a great afternoon and I enjoyed it. Fun times.

Rain tossed dream

I had a bizarre dream last night. It rain hard through out the night and pounded against the glass of my window next to my sleeping head.
I had a dream about today- about me going to the House of Bricks show later on. My dad had managed to drop me off, I was running around everywhere trying to find a way of getting to the show. It was gray and cloudy. Flooding. My dad had dropped me off, and I walked into the ambient lit smoky club. I met Clint the guy I had been talking to about advertising for the show. It was then that I realized that I had shown up all by myself, and not a soul I saw I knew. I left after the third band and walked down the streets towards the downtown center through the pouring rain. I was frightened of everything around. I got to my bus stop on time and waited. And waited. I looked up at the thundering clouds ahead through the rain. Lightening flashed and the wind circled around.
And then I woke up.

I got online and started messaging a ton of people. There is no way I'm going to that show alone now.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Movies with Justin

I was talking to Mike on IM and he writes "YOU"RE SEEING INDIANA JONES WITHOUT ME?!" He was a little unnerved that I was going with a guy. I could totally see his position and I'd totally be the same way. Anywho-
We couldn't get a hold of Mara and had to go without her I suppose. At the theater Andy and Michelle met us there. Justin paid for our tickets, popcorn, and drinks. Seven and I shared a drink because I know she probably didn't want to sit next to Andy (even though it was kind of their date) and I didn't want to share a drink with them either.
I counted 22 credits, somewhere during which my retainer fell out of my pocket, and the movie was INTENSE! I usually don't get anything to eat or drink but during this whole thing I guess I couldn't stop. lol. I probably looked intense as well at the edge of my seat saying,"DUDE! I totally bet on this!" and would make silly "WHAT THE FUCK?!" comments with Justin and Michelle who sat next to me. It was a super fun time that I really enjoyed. oh yeah!
In the lobby Seven bought a 25 cent chain and mini cow thing. She gave me the chain that I put the 25 cent ring Mike gave me on. Justin drove me home, I hugged him and said thanks so much.
Next month Justin is traveling in Europe, and after that- I don't know when I'll ever see him. I'm glad that we got to hang out today. I'm sure to remember it. :)


I kicked ass on my math final today- I think. I mean, I totally sucked at it but then again, I totally kicked its ass!! I won't know how I did until tomorrow when my grade is posted. :D
Today I applied for JC Penney's online and am going with my dad to the library to pick some stuff up. Later tonight, Justin, (hopefully) Mara and I are going to see Indiana Jones at 4:00. I'll be looking forward to that. I've never actually hung out with Justin outside of school band and him taking me home once. It'll be great seeing him again. Maybe I'll hang out with him more often this summer. This summer- I see good things happening.
I'm setting goals and priorities. I'm used to taking the bus now. I have a great boyfriend. I'll hopefully be able to spend time with friends. Who knows?! I might just get a job. Being 16- it's great. I didn't think things would change- but maybe they will.
Tomorrow I have one last final- American History. It doesn't count against me and I pretty much rule in that class so... yeah. No problem.

oh! Yesterday I was taking a shower and lost a few eyelashes. I put them on the shower wall and just froze for a second. I never thought I was that interesting of a character. Peculiar. Stuff that sitcoms and funny teen novels are made out of. but maybe- I am. What a great lyric it would make though.

"I keep eyelashes on my shower wall
for whenever I need a wish
four leaf clovers and stars that fall
don't quite do the trick"

Monday, June 2, 2008

Geek Speak from the Heart

Verse 1
Can I find the words
without saying anything at all
with every look of your eyes
I fall
Fall for you

when you say I'm
your butterscotch button of fun
I think to myself-
this guy's the one

and I'm the
sweetness shotgun blast to the face
makes my little thumping heart race
it's love.
oh love

the sweetest honey, the filler for my heart
and whatever sappy thing you can think of
It's love
oh love

Verse 2
rolling down a hill like a katamari
nothing quite rhymes with that
Except sorry
I don't know what else there is but that

little titterpatting sweetheart with lazer beam eyes
when you say these things
my oh my!
I get lost in your words

Repeat Chorus

Applause for Craig Dewey


I forgot to say that last Thursday taking the bus home-

I saw CRAIG DEWEY in a giant pizza costume for DOMINOES!!!! :D :D HA HA HA HA HA!!!!

Craig is a friend of mine who plays bass clarinet in band. I love making fun of this kid. He cracks me up. *Phew!* That was hilarious...

Well- Here you go.

Yesterday, Mike picked me up around 6:00 (I think) and we drove to his friend Ryan (the lumberjack)'s house. We rode with him and his friend/enemy Cody to Ting's house then. It was pretty awkward at first at the party.
I didn't know what to expect. Besides girly sleepovers and such, I've never been to a party- at someone's house. Good news- no alcohol. They did score a rootbeer keg. That's pretty amazing. I didn't know those things existed. Note to self... They do.
After the show started things were a lot less awkward with more people there. I like the people who played and recorded a guy name Ryan. He's super cute and great. I like his music. I saw him once before with Mike. He played a flexatone! :D I totally freaked that time. He had it yesterday and I got to show Mike how it worked and such.

After a couple of bands, Mike and his friends and I went out into the back yard. His friends are pretty cool. Fun people. We ate some cheese burgers that were grilled and after grabbing a last glass of root beer we went for a drive.
The city has this program apparently where people can toss out all of their old junk and the city'll collect it. Mike and Ryan are going to a bluegrass festival next week(I think) and are trying to make a scheme to make money by selling pizza. Alrighty. Well, so last night we were driving around the East Side looking for a table. A fucking table. We found table legs, doors, windows, table tops, tvs etc. Tons of stuff. They were just looking for a plain folding table. No where was one to be found. It was getting later and dark and we were in circles trying to find a table out of piles of garbage. It was hilarious good fun.

After Ryan dropped Cody off somewhere, we went back to Ryan's house where we departed for the evening. Mike and I stopped for gas somewhere before taking me home.
While Mike went in to use the bathroom I looked over at a truck on the other side of the pump. It was rusted and had water stained mattresses in the back. A woman was with whoever was driving the car. She wore a sports bra and short shorts. Her legs were skinny and awkward. Eventually she put on a wife beater cut along the bottom showing the bottom of her stomach. As they were walking inside the gas station, Mike was walking out. And he drove me home.
I took out my pigtails and relaxed. We reflected on the night and talked while listening to.... I forget who. Oh well. Mike seemed really affectionate. He held my hand and said that he wanted to cuddle with me. Aww... :) how cute.
When we were pulling up to my house, my dad was checking the mail. Yes. At 10:30 on a Sunday night. We're terribly forgetful people. I was talking and narrating my dad as he was walking up the driveway. Mike laughed and thought it was funny. We kissed, shared our "love you"s and "night"s. It was a great time. I enjoyed it.


Last night- interesting. Oh hell! it was hilarious fun. I didn't get much cuddly one on one time with Mike, but his friends were fun, the music was mellow and great, the food wasn't that bad surprisingly, and I had no idea what was going to happen. :) I liked it.

I'll write more about it when I get home from my Relationships Final. just for suspense though-

It was a house party.
We rode in his friend's car.
I met the friend Michael wants to kill.
There was a root beer keg.
We left the show to drive around the East Side and look for a table on the side of the streets for Ryan and Mike's illegal selling operation at a Blue Grass music Festival.

Oh the suspense must be killer! Mwa ha ha... I'll write about it when I get home. ;)

Sunday, June 1, 2008

A shooting star (wish come true)

Yesterday, I hung out with Mike for a good part of the day. Around noon I took a bus to the library and met him. From there we went to his house and -oh!- we played piano together. I tried not to shoot him down but it was a tad frustrating. I'm sure I'll get over it and such as I get more comfortable playing in front of him.
Later on, we went downtown to the Vaudeville Mews and watched Chris for Conquered, Dustin's band Slaughterhouse 6, and Poison Control center. It was great. In between bands, we went to the park with Crusso's umbrella and sat next to the water. Mike took of his shoes and socks and hiked up his jeans a bit and danced around in the water while giggling.
We left the show a bit early so that we could go home to his house and fix some food. We went to Wal-mart first and grabbed a pizza, fruit punch, and (woot!) a choco-taco. Those things are the shit... Simply beautiful.
We went to his house, fixed the pizza and then went outside onto his deck. After eating, he turned off the porch light, and layed a blanket down. We looked at the stars together. It was pretty damn sweet.
We talked and when he was looking at me, and I was looking out at the stars, I saw a shooting star! I told him about it and he said to make a wish. I did.
"Alright- Now what is it?" Mike asked. I wouldn't tell. He kept guessing nouns and verbs. Mike really needs to know which are what. He kept guessing.
"Is the noun... 'Mike'?"
"Awww...." he said and ruffled my hair.
After guessing a bit more he asked,"Is the verb 'Love'?"
"Well, kinda sorta maybe uhh..." It was part of it.
"Aww...."he said again. We talked a bit longer. I looked into his eyes and face for a bit. I kissed his cheek. It could have just been me, but it felt sorta wet. I petted his face. It felt pretty dry. It could have just been me. I mean, it was sorta warm but he did mention his was cold, so I don't think it was sweat. Huh...
I laid my head down. He whispered in my ear,"I love you." I looked into his face. He looked back at me. Questions spun through my mind, but they soon went away. I held his hand and smiled at him. We kissed and I said back to him,"I love you too."
We lay together for a while longer. I looked up at the stars and told him,"Mike, this is really nice." It was a beautiful night under the stars and in his arms.
We went back inside and lay down on the couch together. I fell asleep with him for an hour or so. I was tired and he's so damn comfy and cuddly. He took me home around a bit before 2:00. I don't know what band he set us to listen to on his i-pod. It was alright. I liked it. I was looking forward to going back to sleep even though I liked being with Mike.
It was a great night. :) And it put back some of my faith in shooting stars to be honest.