Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Movies with Justin

I was talking to Mike on IM and he writes "YOU"RE SEEING INDIANA JONES WITHOUT ME?!" He was a little unnerved that I was going with a guy. I could totally see his position and I'd totally be the same way. Anywho-
We couldn't get a hold of Mara and had to go without her I suppose. At the theater Andy and Michelle met us there. Justin paid for our tickets, popcorn, and drinks. Seven and I shared a drink because I know she probably didn't want to sit next to Andy (even though it was kind of their date) and I didn't want to share a drink with them either.
I counted 22 credits, somewhere during which my retainer fell out of my pocket, and the movie was INTENSE! I usually don't get anything to eat or drink but during this whole thing I guess I couldn't stop. lol. I probably looked intense as well at the edge of my seat saying,"DUDE! I totally bet on this!" and would make silly "WHAT THE FUCK?!" comments with Justin and Michelle who sat next to me. It was a super fun time that I really enjoyed. oh yeah!
In the lobby Seven bought a 25 cent chain and mini cow thing. She gave me the chain that I put the 25 cent ring Mike gave me on. Justin drove me home, I hugged him and said thanks so much.
Next month Justin is traveling in Europe, and after that- I don't know when I'll ever see him. I'm glad that we got to hang out today. I'm sure to remember it. :)