Saturday, June 7, 2008

bike ride

Well, since in my just last post I did this morning, I took a bike ride because I was feeling unhealthy. I totally feel like it was worth it. It wasn't as tiring as the last ride I took a month ago. Hopefully I'll be able to make a routine out of this because I LOVE it. :)
I took some pictures, and I want a girly friend of mine to come with sometime so I can take portraits or something. It's not always so visually appealing to have tons of pictures of trees. I'd like to make up one of my friends and treat them like a model. It'd be fun. I found some really cool spots for that and took pics.
I saw a deer not long after getting on the trail. I tried to take a picture but all you see is it's brownness behind the trees. My bike makes a clicking of the chains when I walk it slowly. I rode through a bit of mud and it got all on my legs. I got through a really thin trail with tons of overhanging flora and I think I might get poison ivy. Is there something I can do to like... prevent it? I mean, other than wearing long pants. I hope a shower gets it off of me. I think that might do something. Who knows. I don't think I saw any poison ivy, but I'm starting to feel an itch. eww...
I feel icky. I'm going to shower now. laterz.