Saturday, June 28, 2008

And on the Fourth Day....

Yesterday at work was fun.
It was a two day coupon sale majig. It didn't go too bad or busy. I'll see the figures this morning and see how well our department went.
It was my fourth day. My number works in the system so I can get my commission and I got a permanent name tag.
Cons: I shorted a man a twenty dollar bill. Whoops... He'll come in today to get it back. My bad. He wasn't angry or anything though, which was good. It was weird because David watched me count and everything, but Dave looked through our receipts later and worked it out. I had given the guy the wrong change.

A woman was looking for a pair of black dress shoes. It was hard finding anything in her size that wasn't 60 dollars. She said she was only going to wear them once. She had a weird uptight sorta English or Austrian accent. I found it amusing... I decided not to ask about her tone of voice. I asked what the occasion was. She said that tonight she was going to the Des Moines Opera. I then noticed the opera ball cap she was wearing. She must be a member. I asked her which one and she said Les Miserabe. She asked if I had heard of it. I told her that we were going to almost do it for our marching band show. She told me that since I hadn't ever seen an opera before, I should. I found some plain black flats for 14 dollars. I also found a pleasant customer.

oh! And while talking to a customer who was checking out, I asked if she would believe it was my fourth day. She leaned over to look at my name tag. "You're not doing too bad Jackie. Oh! you spell your name the same way I do."
"How do you spell your Jacquelyn?" I asked suspiciously.
"With and -lyn", she replied.
"J-a-c-q-u-e-l-y-n?" I asked. She pointed to the credit card in my hand. It was the same. "WOW! That's how I spell mine too!"
"I know! Some people like to spell it -line."
"Yeah! but that's Jacque-LINE. That doesn't make any sense at all!" I said. We laughed and when I brought her shoes around the counter for her, I shook her hand and said,"I thought I was the last of my kind!"
That was fun... :)

While straightening shoes, a woman came up to me and asked,"Is there a second floor?"
I said 'no'.
"Is there a first floor?" she asked. What? no! this is a spare 13th.
"You're new aren't you?"I asked.
"So this is it?" she asked.
"yeah. It is."