Thursday, June 5, 2008

Bitchin' in the Kitchen

Yesterday, I brought my sack of bubbles and accessories to school along with my Groucho Marx glasses. Before my final, I sat in the hallway next to a girl in my math class that I don't know the name of. A dean of student lady person walked up the stairs and as she passed by- pointed at her head. Oh right- I had my rabbit hat on. But apparently it doesn't matter if I blow bubbles as I had a bubble pipe in my hand ready to blow as she made eye contact with me. Alrighty. Note to self....

I cleaned out my locker pretty much, then took the bus 23 home. I called Mike and asked my dad to take me to the library. I was meeting Mike there and going to drop off my application around the corner at the flower shop, but it was closed "At meeting- be back soon." I waited for about 30 minutes I think with Mike. A field trip of preschoolers from the science center walked by. One named Devin was being yelled at for dropping his water bottle constantly. The class was threatened with them being taken away. Cute. :)
Mike and I went to Wal-Mart by where he lives and picked up some stuff for our pizza. We sided on pepperoni, baby swiss, mozzarella, and meatballs. Mike was strongly opposed to bacon bits. I don't know what the hell his problem is. lol.
At his house, we started putting stuff together. Mike pulled out the baggies of dough he had made the night before. They were mushy and too soft.
"What's in this?" I asked Mike.
"Flour and water. You know- dough."
"Uhh... Mike. That's not how you make dough"
"Sure it is! That's all that's in it. I didn't have a recipe but I worked it out,"Michael said.
"Honey- that's paper mache. That's not how you make dough...."I tried to reason with him.
"You know what- I'll call my mom right now!" he said trying to prove his point. He pulls out his cellphone right there and dials his mother. She informs him that there must be something he's missing and to consult the Betty Crocker Cookbook.
"AHA!" I exclaimed triumphantly.
"Betty Crocker- there is no Betty Crocker Cookbook...." Mike says to his mom.
I reach in the cupboard and pull out the familiar "Better Homes and Gardens" red plaid binder. "It's right here honey." It's not until then that I notice, no where it says Betty's name on it. Why do we all refer to it that way? Mike asks me this question.
I spill out all of the information I know about Mrs. Crocker and how you modernized cooking today. Thank goodness I watch the History Channel...
"She was a test kitchen Nazi from what I understand,"I tell him.
I made the dough over and it was the first time I needed to knead something. It was really fun. :D

Somewhere in our cooking as we let the dough to rest for 10 minutes, we got caught up in the couch and each other. Mike is terribly sweet and cuddly. This was one of these days where he was most like this. He is such a wonderfully adorable and amazing boy. :)
We finished pizza making and Mike's brother Dustin came by. While the pizza was in the oven, Dustin played the piano and sang. It made me laugh a lot. We ate our pizza together on the couch, and it turned out really well. I loved it. :D We still have another batch of dough and sauce. It'll be some fun good times then too.
This weekend Mike and I are going to bake some cream cheese cookies from a recipe we found in the book. It sounds really good. Well, Mike had to take me home early so him and Dustin could play bridge with a group of really old people. It was a great afternoon and I enjoyed it. Fun times.